The following COVID-19 social distancing and safety practices reflect requirements of the Illinois Department of Public Health and University of Illinois event guidelines. These mitigation protocols also may be modified to reflect any requirements of the local public health department based on local conditions at the time of the event.

1.Face coverings are required for all youth, spectators, volunteers, and staff.

2.Everyone in attendance will practice social distancing during the event, including maintaining six feet of separation (both indoors and outdoors) from those who are not in their households. To allow for social distancing, building and spectator capacity may be limited based on current public health department guidelines.

3.Handwashing and sanitizing stations will be provided throughout the venue.

4.Anyone who has experienced COVID-19 symptoms within the previous seven days is asked to stay home. COVID-19 symptoms include fever, cough, loss of taste or smell, or shortness of breath.

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